To The Western Woman...
This is my part from an Instagram carousel.. read the whole thing here.
As we face this decaying world, the best thing a woman can do is learn whom God designed and set her apart to be as a woman. There is nothing more glorious and beautiful than raising up a family that can war and stands against the decaying culture. There’s no need to put this off, because truly you don’t know how much time you have (physiologically or temporally)- having a family is the most blessed and sacred “career” there is.
If you desire a masculine man who honors the Lord and will lead with courage, integrity, character, and honor, you mustn’t be ashamed or unwilling to live within your feminine role. Your very feminine nature supports these characteristics in a man and requires much strength and dignity on your part. Your feminine nature is not weak. You will bring a unique strength to your relationship.
What is right and just is to honor the Lord as He’s made you, a woman. Adding to His Word and tradition for us as people on earth never ends up being right - it’s led to a progressive culture that doesn’t know its own morals or its right from its left.
Your life is but a vapor, woman. Choose to stride with compassion and grace. Choose to relish in and bring glory to His design. Find ways to nurture and add life to those around you. Cultivate your space in a way that invites people to rest and enjoy themselves. Doing this protects those who are in your life and helps them to feel valued. These traits simply do not come naturally to men.
You are fundamentally different from a man. There’s no need to chase equality with men. There’s no need to burn yourself out living up to standards that are not meant for you to live up to. So which way western woman?