Playing It Small...
Why play it small when the Lord has an irreplaceable role for us to play in this great adventure we get to call life? If you’ve read captivating by Stasi and John Eldridge, this thought reads familiar. I understand this sentiment in a whole new way after the end of 2022.
Ultimately the Lord has for us to go and make disciples of all nations.
Matt. 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
In order to live out this call, the Lord has given us a unique irreplaceable role.
Eph. 4:16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
As a body we have the ultimate call of making disciples and the body flourishes when every joint (us individuals, communities and church bodies) lives out its irreplaceable role.
It’s really easy to just move through life and not really think about how the decisions we make day to day affect what the Lord ultimately has for us in terms of our life mission and role in the grand story He is writing.
In the last few months, the Lord has brought me to a place of really thinking over the decisions I’ve made in the last few years and if they ultimately point me towards the specific mission He has for me.
I’ve been grieved over having done the good things over the God sized dreams and goals He’s placed on my heart. The good things for me have been easy things that don’t require a lot of my trust in the Lord. To focus on the God sized dreams - or the irreplaceable role - that He has for me requires courage, tenacity and a fearlessness in place of the apathy, paralyzing fear and lack of courage that I’ve had.
“Doing a plethora of good things does not constitute God’s will for your life.” I’ve reminded myself over and over.
I’ve realized how my ego has played a role in the decisions I’ve made. My ego likes comfort and to do what is easy. Though walking in humility and courage is a constant call from the Lord to pursue Him over any selfish desire. My selfish desire for far too long was to soothe my ego with what was easy and it left me complacent toward the life He has for me.
I like the reminder in 1 Corinthians 4:5 - ultimately judgment comes from the Lord. He has the final say. Paul says “I don’t even judge myself.” We can be aware and make sound decisions, though ultimately judgment is up to the Lord. When He produces conviction in our lives we can then choose whether or not we’ll follow Him or continue on our own path.
Over the last few months choosing to follow Him has come with questions, healing, unexpected transitions, fervency, joy, new friendships, and I expect more of all of that going into 2023.