So recently I got rebaptized.
A lot of things led to this point. & I’ll try and tell it as best I can.
At fourteen I was baptized for the first time.. I can’t say that I fully understood all of what it meant to be a follower of Jesus, I didn’t.
Since those moments when I was baptized at 14, there was a lot of life that happened. I fell into pornography, bitterness, isolation, hurt, and so much more. Then I got to college and I reached what was my lowest. I partied every weekend my first semester freshman year & was in the wrong group of people. Yet God used a person to take me to the place where I found refuge in Him. I ended up in a church where I learned truly who He was, who I am, and my purpose here on earth. I became part of this beautiful church community and it led me to making the decision to fully follow Him.
Through the years since I made the decision (on December 21, 2016) to follow God fully, He’s changed my life sooo much. (to hear my whole testimony, listen here)
To pick up in 2020, I knew that something had to change in order to be pushed further into what He has for me. I knew that He had a fullness for this year. I ended up moving and in the last eight months God has grown my belief of what He’s called to me to, to a magnitude that I didn’t expect.
I realized that I believe different, especially since I was a 14 year old. I knew that my belief in Him had & will continue to grow so much. I knew that I needed to recommit my life to Him. & I did. The Sunday before baptisms, I was listening to a lady in my new members class talk about how she had gotten rebaptized as a young adult & I immediately thought “I need to do that.“ Then my table leader spoke of how she was going to see her friend baptized the following week & my mind was like “oh HECK YES. This is happening.“ & so it did, A whirlwind of a week allowing God to fill my heart with His love.
The week following my baptism the song “Getting Ready“ came out.
“What an honor to be invited to the marriage of the Lamb, to come and worship Him Celebration it’s the joining of the Bride and the Son, the two becoming one”
These lyrics from Maverick City Music and UPPERROOM were so absolutely on time.
I am not sure why, but sharing what the Lord has been preparing me for always makes me feel so vulnerable, but there’s so much beauty in it. It excites me to share at the same time, because I know what stories do for a persons heart.
Anyways, lets get to it. Those lyics mean so much because in my sabbath week, before my baptism, the Lord took me to a journal entry I wrote not too long ago. In my journal, I wrote that I would be His bride first before I am the bride to my earthly husband.
When I read this, my soul was so pleased with the obedient step I took to be baptized again. It was pleased, because the words I wrote were coming to life. My soul was pleased because the words have ended up being prophetic. I have known for a while that the Lord has been preparing my heart for marriage. I’ve been carefully doing my best to steward well all that He’s placed around me. I wrote on insta post recently on how I knew he’s been preparing me and I’ll share more here.
Recently someone asked me how I knew that the Lord was preparing me for marriage..
I hadn’t thought too much about sharing with anyone how I knew He was preparing me.. but in that moment, I realized that there are so many girls waiting impatiently as if a future marriage is what will save them from all their woads. So I decided to share how I know that Lord is preparing me.. and because I know He’s preparing me it doesn’t quite mean that my future husband will come knocking on my door, quite frankly He could still be months and years away.
So how do I know that the Lords preparing me?
I’m not at all focused on the satisfaction a future marriage will bring me.. I am more focused on the God the dream that God has place on my heart to fulfill through my future marriage. That dream begins with who I am now and not who I am when I’m married. So I stopped wasting time waiting for Him to come along. At the right time our lives will merge in the most beautiful way.
I have become enthralled with what it means to steward a home. This matters so much deeper to me than it ever has before. It’s in the food, the routine, the space and the way a home can be at peace.
In the last year I stopped letting my finances be a quaking mess & leaned into the support I have through my mentors. I can’t tell y’all how much of a mess they were this time last year. It’s been so freeing to be on a good path here. Money can be an idol in many ways.. if we’re constantly worrying and thinking about how things aren’t working out or in the way of constantly chasing more - so rich or poor money can be an idol. An idol anything that we worship more than God. Through constantly worrying about finances this time last year, I made an idol of my mess.
I’ve started to enjoy the everyday mundane, yet so beautiful, things so much more.
This is just a few things.. but allowing God to prepare me has been beautiful. There’s so much peace as we wait. We’re always chasing what’s next.. and if that’s your future spouse, remember to be present here, the God of the universe wants to prepare you. A lot less pain could happen if we allow God to be in the midst of it all.
To end, because I could go on and on… In the few weeks since being baptized, God has placed a bright light on what I He wants me to speak up about & it’s been unnerving. He’s used His people to speak so much affirmation of who I am into my life. He’s bringing everything that I ever been passionate about in a really beautiful way!! I’m excited to tell of the next steps that He has for me and what He continues to do in my life.