That Quarter Life Crisis Thing, It's Legit

Hey friend!

This season has been one of deep refining with the Lord. I share some of what He's taught me in the course of the last few months. I honestly could've kept rambling on - but wanted to keep this decently short! Also, I say "all the things" a gazillion times. It is my filler phrase, sorry not sorry lol.

I hope it's encouraging in some way. Below are some books I've read and podcasts I've enjoyed as He's been developing me in this transition season.

Actually, before you get to the list... I want to say first that soooo much of this season was spent before the Lord in so much prayer. He is what you need most of all before listening to podcasts and reading books.(:

Dark Night of the Soul -

Ego is the Enemy -

Theology of the Body -

A Biblical Response to Perfection -

Waiting On God: Trust -

Change Starts With You -

Finding Beauty in the Loss of Control - (I BAWLED MY EYES OUT LISTENING TO THIS)

Therapy in a Nutshell - (I've utilized a lot of her content)