Go for the "Crazy" Thing

So my friends, I hope you have had a good week. Last week I posted this past weekend something a little crazy to my insta stories. I said that I was retiring at 26. In the past couple months I have been able to be around some pretty awesome leaders and mentors in my area. These mentors and leaders are going to help me grow and step further and further out of my comfort zone. As I grow in the leadership I will also be able to help other women grow and become confident in what the Lord has for them. My hope in all that I do is to help women serve well in each and I will help and guide them into doing this by telling the importance of every part of our whole person. My hope is to serve women well so that they can in turn serve others well in their communities. So yes my friends. I spoke it into the atmosphere that I will be retiring at 26. I believe it and when the road gets difficult, because I know it will, I am going to hold fast to His word and the amazing community God has given me through this opportunity. I now know that it takes money over income to retire, not an age. I dont want to wait for the end of my life for fancy vacations, because wont be the same as it would be doing it in my 20’s. Thats not my only goal though.. Not at all. I want to give back exponitionally more than I can now or ever will be able to if I was working a 9-5 the rest of my life. Also I dont want work a 9-5 the rest of my life. That’s not the desire that God has put on my heart. 

So friends, today I want to tell you to do the crazy thing. Maybe that youve said no to or something you’ve been looking at through the window but havent gone in to truly assess how it could fit in in your life. You can’t try on anything if you’re looking at it from outside the window. You can dream of it on your body and in your life all you want, but until you choose to try it on and see what it looks like on you, you’ll never know what its truly like to have it.

A verse that has stuck with me in my journey with Fearlessly Fit Faith is Proverbs 31:25 “she is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.” 

We must begin to believe that God truly does have our best interest at heart. We must believe that we can clothe ourselves in the truth of who He is and what He’s done for us. His love for us enables us to rise with confidence into whatever arena we are to step into for His kingdom.

I laugh y’all, I do. I laugh now, I can’t fear the future. I know that He has worked it all out for my good. Whats amazing is that I’ve grown enough to to laugh when I am faced with really awesome temptation to do the opposite of what I know God would like. More like I laugh and hurt at the same time. I’ve grown in a spiritual strength to know that when my flesh is wanting something that is the opposite of what God wants for me in a season I can rise above those deep desires. I can rise above because I am clothed in the strength of the Lord. 

For example, as much as I have come to terms with the fact that God wants for me to be in Virginia right now, my flesh still wants out so bad. It’s like I’ve been presented with opportunity after opportunity to leave. My flesh says girl hop on that plane. My spirit says, you knw whats best. If it wasn’t for the spiritual strength I have.. Y’all I’d be a sham. 

So I can laugh knowing that I don’t have the desire to stay in VA, which means that one day God could possibly call me out so I hold onto that hope. I hold onto that hope with strength and dignity and I laugh without fear of the future, because i know the God of the universe has my back. And even if I don’t ever leave Va (ugh hard to say) HE is still good. God is good no matter where I live. I make this a big deal, because it really is a big freaking deal to me. And everything thats a small or big deal to us matters to God.

I want to encourage you all to step into whatever crazy thing is on your heart. Because the reality is, if it’s on your heart and it’s a desire you have.. Its not actually that crazy.

  1. BELIEVE THAT IT CAN HAPPEN. Write it out as many times as you need to to get it in your mind. No one else can believe for you whatever it is that on your heart. At some point you just have to do something. Like seriously. Nothing is going to change if you keep complaining. Nothing is going to change if you look for just one more persons approval (only God should be approving anything that you do). Nothing is going to change if you dont believe that what you need to go after whats on your heart is within you and whatever you dont have God will give to you through community.

  2. Remember that not everyone and sometimes anyone is going to understand the gifts and desires that God has put within you. Wanting others to understand you is truly only placing the focu on you and this becomes selfish. Sometimes it take some waiting for the right people to come along that just understand what it is that you are desiring for. The wait gets hard and it can truly be fustrating, but I promise that God is bringing you some amazing community.

  3. Stop hiding behind your personality. When you hidebehind your personality you let it become an excuse as to why you dont go out and try new things.. And when you dont go out and try new things you wont succeed at anything.

  4. Continue to educate yourself. Now this doesnt neccesarily mean that you have to go back to school. Not at all. There are sooo many resources online for you to continue learning in what ever area it is that you want to. 

  5. What you begin to perpetually focus on will compound into whatever your future will hold. So if you are putting in work for your goals now, you will see the fruits of this in years to come. But if youre not attempting to do anything right now, you cant expect to have the things youve dreamed about… it’ll stay that, a dream. Time is also a persons biggest reason for not going after something new. Time compounding is how you get things done. Say you have you and one other person on your team.. If you have one hour to do something but your partner has 5 hours.. You then have 6 hours to work towards your goal. Time isnt your issue commitment is.