You're Exactly Where You Need to Be
Today’s topic, is something I have been thinking about a lot lately, because of the fact that I have so many personal dreams and goals that I want to reach. I sometimes get the thought in my head that people are going to think I am too young, then this often makes me feel timid and less likely to go after my goals.
Have you been here!?
Knowing that there is something that you want, but not feeling like you’re enough or don’t have enough skills to go after a certain thing?
If you have… I want to remind you that I’ve been there, super recently actually. The super amazing thing about these feelings, is that they’re false. If God has given us a dream or desire for something, He has also given us all of the tools that we need to reach these things and what we lack in He will place people in our lives who have these qualities.
We tend to think that we are too young for things because of what culture has to say about our lives. We’re supposed to graduate at a certain time, be married at a certain time, have kids at a certain time, somehow be doing the exact thing that we want to do in our career right after college.
This is insane!! I hope I’m not saying anything that you haven’t heard. I hope it has already been introduced to you that you don’t have to have your life together yesterday. The truth is… we’ll never be all together.
What is amazing, friend, is that when we step away from trying to understand all of the details and just DO SOMETHING, we actually start to walk in purpose.
A vital must is to first surrender our lives to Jesus. When we surrender our plans and our whole self not just part of ourselves to Jesus we are introduced to our true identity, what we have longed for. When we give all of ourselves to Him we begin to walk in purpose.
STOP SEARCHING AND SURRENDER. Your purpose is not found outside, its found within.
So for those of us who have done this and understand that identity, worth and purpose comes from Him… here are some things that have helped me to step away from the pressures of the world and dive into His purpose for me.
1 your purpose is NOT going to look like the purpose of the girls Instagram you’re scrolling through. So if you find yourself comparing yourself to her, UNFOLLOW HER. If you want to be closer to what God has for you, you must create boundaries for yourself, be disciplined.
2. Be optimistic. Opportunity for growth comes in many different shapes and sizes. Stay open to new ways of learning and growing.
3. Find a mentor. Find someone who is going to be invested in helping you reach past your limitations.
4. Surround yourself with people who are driven by their goals. We have all heard that we are a product of the five people we spend the most time around. So who are you surrounding yourself with. This does not mean leave all of the people who are not pushing you toward Christ, because we are meant to lead people to Him. But if you have a dream and you are spending most of your time around people who are dreamless… what do you think will happen to your dreams!? Friend, they will dissipate under the microscope of skeptical and limited minded people
6. You are exactly where you need to be. Stop trying to find out all of the details for what God wants to do in and through you. Wanting to know ALL of the details will only keep you stuck. When we just begin to move and do something, God will continue to reveal things. He truly does light the path just light it says in Psalm 119:105, “His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.”
7. Trust the process. SO often we just want to skip all of the hard parts. We just want the destination and would rather toss out the time that God spends preparing use for where we’re going. What God teaches us through the process is so much important than the destination. During the process is where we are being molded and shaped for what He has for us. If we just got to the destination without taking the time with God and letting him prune us, we’d be useless. We would have no substance if we just suddenly landed at our destination. We wouldn’t have a story to tell.