Cycle Syncing and Femininity
My Journey in femininity and cycle syncing…
Cycle syncing gives us the opportunity to understand the way the Lord created our bodies to operate and to live within this for our flourishing. We best flourish when we understand the nature in which we were made and what we were made for.
We must pay attention to our physiological makeup. I reckon that when we don’t we miss out on a beauty from the Lord that is only recognized when we do. This past year I have learned a lot about God as an intelligent designer. He’s intelligently designed all that is in our universe, down to the cells in our body. He’s made all that he’s created to function in a way that builds upon itself for the nourishing of the organism. I think of Eph 4:16b when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Yet when we disregard the way He’s made us how can our body work properly and build itself up. It can’t. Rather than having healthy energy and vibrancy we are depleted and withdrawn, anxious.
Last year I was OVER my bad period symptoms and knew that I needed to do something because the pain was unbearable.
I’d talked to my mentor and she mentioned cycle syncing and how it was really helpful for her. I didn’t think it would take me on a journey of discovering biblical womanhood. BUT before we get there, here’s what cycle syncing is and how you can implement it right now! I will preface this by saying that if you’re on birth control this won’t be that helpful, as BC disrupts our hormone cycle. sidebar.. women take BC for a whole month we can only get pregnant one week out of the month. It is not bad to plan - though we can do so naturally without disrupting our makeup. But I will have someone eventually with much more knowledge talk about this!!! & I’m excited to do so! Last thought here.. The intent of covenantal marriage is to be fruitful and multiply… again it is not bad to plan, though why do we follow culture in going against the design the Lord has given us??
4 phases of our cycle
Menstruation: The period—the shedding of the uterine lining. Levels of estrogen and progesterone are low.
The follicular phase: The time between the first day of the period and ovulation. Estrogen rises as an egg prepares to be released.
Ovulation: The release of the egg from the ovary, mid-cycle. Estrogen peaks just beforehand, and then drops shortly afterwards.
The luteal phase: The time between ovulation and before the start of menstruation, when the body prepares for a possible pregnancy. Progesterone is produced, peaks, and then drops.
Through these different phases our hormones affect the way we work as women and that is okay. Women operate on a 28-31 day hormone cycle and men on a 24hr hormone cycle. We are obviously very different. Equal in value, different in purpose. I just winked if you’re wondering.
Learning my cycle and the way the Lord has made a woman’s body to operate has made me more feminine.
My simple definition of femininity is a woman at rest. Seriously. If we’re not at rest the world is a mess. Though a more clear definition would be a woman who knows her position in Christ & this allows for her to live out her helper role (which is deeply powerful), this woman is a refuge and place of peace for all around her and has an inward beauty that is gentle and can be delighted in.
Feminism tends to be stressing the equality of men and women by minimizing the unique significance of our maleness and femaleness. Men and women are equal in the sight of God though have different roles based on the characteristics given to us by God.
Our design is given by the Lord. If he’s willed for our design to do a certain thing, well, we must do it. Obediently. I apply this thought to everything. Scripture is clear about men and women.
Woman, you are the crown of all created things. Life could not be lived well if there was not, woman.
I would never say that a wife’s place is in the home, but I would absolutely say that a wife’s priority should be her home. If a woman is managing her home in such a way that it fills up and overflows and spills out into business endeavors, it should be the kind of thing that is a blessing to her people—giving more to them and not less. . . . There are many ways in which a woman could work outside the home in a way that makes the home itself more potent, more glorious, more compelling. (136, 165) Rebekah Merkle